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Private Homeschool



  • TCA was designed to reimagine a traditional learning environment.

  • TCA is a learning center where students come Monday througth Friday (9am-2pm) to learn in an emotionally safe, caring, and motivating environment.  

  • Homeschooling parents can contract TCA to provide curriculum and a learning community for their student(s) that support the individual on their journey to become the human they were designed to be.

  • TCA educators design customized curriculum for each student based on the student's needs and interestes, national and state standards, and the dispositions of global citizenship.

  • Students have the opportunity to interact with experienced, licensed educators and work towards earning their high school diploma.  

  • TCA takes the stress and pressure off the homeschooling parent, while providing a positive, academically thought demanding learning environment for the student.

What is the role of the parent/guardian?

  • The parent/guardian continues to guide, support, encourage, and motivate their student and work closely with the TCA educators to ensure that the student is making progress towards his or her goals.  

  • TCA educators will also make recommendations to the parent/guardian of activities and discussions that the family can enjoy together. 

How do we get started?


  • Contact TCA by phone or email and complete the application.

  • Schedule an interview with TCA staff. 

  • Then a TCA tutor will meet with the family online or face to face to discuss the students interests, educational needs, and future goals.  

  • After TCA agrees to provide services, the tutor will develop a customized curriculum that is specific to the student's individual needs and expectations.


What does tuition include?


  • Twenty five hours a week of whole group, small group, and one on one instruction facilitated by trained professional, passionate, transformative educators.

  • Customized curriculum and instruction for 3 subjects per semester.

  • Assessment and evaluation of academic progress.

  • Assistance filing the required Notice of Intent paper work for the city.

  • Official transcript and/or report card at the end of the semester.

How much is it?

  • Total cost is $5,100 for the year (35 weeks) including materials.

  • There is a $58 registration fee paid to TADS, our tuition management company.

  • Scholarship funds are available.




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